报告人:龚里 ,苏斯贸易(上海)有限公司
时间:2020年11月28日 14:30
龚里博士就学于德国Erlangen Nuernberg 大学 , 获材料学硕士。此后加入德国夫琅霍夫集成电路研究所。工作的领域是半导体生产工艺技术和测量方法。在专业杂志和国际会议上发表了 20 多篇学术论文。获 Erlangen-Nuernberg 大学电子工程学博士学位。在从事了多年教学科研工作后,于 1994 年底加入 SUSS MicroTec 公司。从 2001 年至今任 SUSS 中国公司总经理。在半导体工艺和设备领域里积累了丰富的经验。
Dr. L. Gong has studied material sciences at the university Erlangen Nuernberg Germany. He has joint Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circiuts in Erlangen in 1987. His main research fields were semiconductor process technologies and measurement techniques. He has published over 20 scientifi c papers in magazines and international conferences. He has received the ph. D from the university Erlangen Nuernberg. After many years teaching and research work, he joint Suss MicroTec in 1994. S ince 2001 he is the general manager of Suss MicroTec (Shanghai) LTD. Dr. Gong is experienced in the field of semiconductor processes and equipment.